Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Is It A Question?

I always try to explain clearly to my class of Year 6's what I want them to do. Then I will give them the chance to ask any questions (so everything will be crystal clear and they can get on with the task). A range of hands went up after I explained that they were going to research the life/work of Ancient Greek soldiers and present the key facts in the style of a Top Trumps card. They have a habit of saying things that are not questions or vaguely relevant, so I now respond to their raised hand in Question Time by asking, "Is it a question?" Young C nodded when I asked him, and he then pointed to the carefully tied school jumper around his shoulders (sporting a neat knot) and asked, "Can we wear our jumpers like this in school?" I would love to crack open their heads like a boiled egg, to see what fluffy clouds will float out.....

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